Tuesday 23 April 2013

Task 5d

As I want to emphasise on recent graduates and their approach towards the Performing Arts Profession; I thought that the best tools to use for this subject are:

1) Focus Group
2) Survey

The ethical dimensions I should be applying for the above tools are:

Focus Group

  • I should introduce and inform the people in the group about the subject I'm planing to talk about and the reasons why I chose those people to be involved
  • Make clear what I want them to do and explain in what way it will be beneficial for them to be involved in the group
  • Give them a form of agreement saying that the information given by them, won't be displayed publicly without their permission
  • Inform them that if they don't feel comfortable talking about a subject in front of other members of the group, they can send me their answers privately
  • Display my questions clearly to avoid any misunderstanding
  • Respect the privacy of others, give them the choice to remain anonymous or to choose how to answer
  • Avoid plagiarism, be straight forward and precise in what I want to achieve through my questions

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